Monday, April 14, 2008

What a Sleeper

Odd Place to fall asleep! Georgia was beat and we were all talking in the entry way of the house. She laid down while we were talking, and bam! She was out cold in a mintue.
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Andrea said...

She is definitely her mother's daughter....can sleep any time, any place.
Oh...that would be nice.

suzi said...

Nice post!!! Next time post on your own blog. XOXO

Tammy said...

Hi Suzi- I love when they are so tired, sleep comes so easy. One time Maycee opened a drawer in a hotel room and hopped in and fell asleep. Your kids are getting so big. Coming you Utah soon?

Angie said...

Yes...I wish that I was like that and could sleep any time...any where! Love the picture!