Wednesday, December 26, 2007

December 26th

Our Christmas was great...good food, a nice bike ride, a long nap, kisses under the mistletoe  and a few phone calls to family and friends. What could be better than that? We did pick up a little of the aftermath today and filled the cans again with wrapping that was ripped away much too fast. It took so long to shop and buy and wrap and then within 15 minutes it is through! Crazy!!! This year I made the kids open one present at a time and then wait for their turn as they sat patiently waiting for their brother or sister to finish. I love the season and love the time together between Christmas and New Years just hanging out with the kids playing and relaxing. 
   p.s. Congratulations in a BIG way to Spencer and Alli! Nothing is nicer than a new baby! They will be fantastic parents...and please have the baby on my birthday,it would make my day. Love to you two.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!!!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas Eve

I just might be the worlds worst blogger. I haven't "blogged" since November 30th...oh well, how time flies! Here are some random thoughts...It is 1:30 a.m. and I just finished making 5 huge cheese balls for my friends and neighbors. I also learned a few new things about our new computer tonight  since I never have time to figure things, I waited until midnight and jumped at the chance to learn how to make videos, etc. I can't believe that I have to run out and buy two more things in about 7 hours...I haven't started wrapping yet...I am not sick of Christmas music yet, nor will I ever be, I love it! (except that song on the radio about the mom dying and the kid buying shoes for her so she can have shoes on when she dies..SICK of that one, every time I get in the car it is on, I am so done with it!) anyhow, I am still looking for my "It's a wonderful life"DVD so I can torment Sean while I wrap gifts..I love that movie and he's not too fond of it. But, she who wraps gets to choose the movie,Right??? Happy Christmas Eve.